Protect Your Plumbing System from Household Hazardous Waste

Protect Your Plumbing System from Household Hazardous WasteIn an effort to implement more programs about household hazardous waste, the city of Renton has accepted over $70,000 in grant funding from King County’s Hazardous Waste Management Program. The majority of this funding will go towards reducing the risks of chemical exposure to residents and the environment from used motor oil and oil filters, specifically focusing on outreach to repair business and auto supply shops. Remaining funds from this grant will focus on projects that will reduce household hazardous waste, create more collection opportunities, and increase awareness by educating residents about these hazardous materials.

The King County Hazardous Waste Management Program was created to ensure that hazardous waste and its products were properly disposed of and managed by local governments. 

When not handled or disposed of properly, these hazardous materials can become a danger to both the people and the plumbing in Renton. Products that we use in our everyday lives, such as cleaning supplies, motor oil, and some paints, contain corrosive or toxic ingredients which are detrimental to the environment or a person’s health. These items can also be hazardous to a household’s plumbing system if they are overused or disposed of improperly.

Some homeowners may not know the risks associated with improperly disposing of hazardous waste. While it may seem like common sense not to pour whole gallons of house paint down the drain, others might not see the harm in cleaning the paint brush directly in the sink or wash basin. A small amount of paint might seem harmless, but it can still create a large plumbing issue. Non water based paints 

don’t disperse well in plumbing systems. Instead, the paint dries up inside the pipes and if there’s a thick enough layer of paint it can cause clogs and lead to backups. Since there is very little that can be done to remove the paint once it’s dried up, the most likely outcome is to remove or replace the affected plumbing pipes. 

Similarly, overusing liquid drain cleaners can also cause the need for plumbing repairs. Drain cleaners are extremely acidic, and while they can be effective against clogs, they don’t distinguish between clogs and your plumbing system. The same chemical properties that allow the cleaning agent to dissolve clogs will also eat away at your plumbing, causing corrosion, weak spots, and holes. 

An increase of education, awareness, and collection resources for household hazardous waste is much needed for the  community and with the additional funding these grants will afford the city, it won’t be long. In the meantime, if you’ve accidentally poured hazardous waste down your drains and need an inspection, call Trusted Plumbing & Heating to schedule one today! 


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