What’s the Link Between Drains and Wetlands?

What’s the Link Between Drains and Wetlands?The Cemetery Pond Wetland Protection and Restoration project is currently underway for Cemetery Pond, a protected wetland in East Renton. Over the years, increased filling at the Cemetery Pond wetland has led to approximately two acres of the wetland being filled with soil and other materials. Filling increases stormwater runoff and sediment and pollution runoff to connected streams, leading to local habitat declines and affecting the water quality. On Aug 22, 2023, residents can attend a Virtual Open House and get updated on the ongoing wetland restoration and learn more about the project’s 30% design.

Not only are healthy wetlands beneficial to wildlife and the local ecology, they also provide economical benefits. Wetlands are naturally flood resistant, capable of absorbing large amounts of rainfall and providing flood protection for homes and businesses. The water that wetlands soak up is then slowly released into downstream systems, recharging groundwater aquifers and keeping streams from drying up. So what can you do to protect the natural wonders? The first step starts with your home plumbing in Renton.

Homeowner’s play a large role in helping to protect wetlands, and ensuring its continued health. If you happen to live near a wetland, the best way to keep them protected is to refrain from using pesticides, fertilizers, or other chemicals that could find their way into the area. Another way is to keep garbage, plastic, and yard waste out. Chemicals and waste can change a wetland’s chemical balance and cause significant damage. For Renton home or property owners who don’t live near wetlands though, the most effective way to protect them is by monitoring their drains.

In urban environments, the vital water that is needed to maintain wetlands is provided by storm water runoff. Storm water runoff drains directly lakes, ponds, and wetlands. Most properties have outdoor drains and these drains feed into storm water run offs. Anything that goes down these drains will most likely end up in a local water source, so tread carefully, especially around garages or driveways. These areas are usually located near an outdoor drain and the most likely place for possible pollutants. Car oil, gas, and other chemicals around the house should always be handled with care around your drains and plumbing system.

Protect local wetlands like Cemetery Pond by protecting your drains! Trusted Plumbing & Heating are Renton’s #1 trusted plumbing company. We offer outdoor drain cleaning services and inspections. Keep your drains healthy and call Trusted Plumbing & Heating today!


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