Help Keep Renton Drains Litter Free

Help Keep Renton Drains Litter FreeThe Downtown Renton Partnership is doing its part in helping to keep the city’s streets and sidewalks clean by hosting a cleanup of downtown Renton. On November 25, the Downtown Renton Last Hurrah Cleanup will take place and volunteers can participate in clearing the streets of litter and other debris. Helping to keep litter off the streets of our community not only preserves its general well-being, beauty, and appeal, but it also helps protect against potential health risks caused by an excess of trash and litter. Litter and trash that have been left out for long periods can lead to bacteria growth which could cause the spread of disease or infections if people come into contact with it. Another important aspect to consider with litter is the potential displacement or property damage it could cause to the community and the local wildlife.

According to the EPA’s Trash Free Waters program, most of the garbage in waterways comes from land-based activities. Garbage that pollutes our waterways is referred to as “aquatic trash” and Renton plumbing systems are especially vulnerable to the negative effects of this refuse. Litter not properly disposed of or left in the street has a greater chance of making its way into waterways or sewer systems. Rainy or windy weather can swiftly carry the debris into storm drains or blow trash into a nearby body of water. If too much trash begins to accumulate inside of a sewer or storm drain it can cause a blockage or a  clog. A big enough clog could lead to flooding or even a sewer backup, but keeping drains clean and clear of litter, will minimize the risks of floods.

Aquatic trash can also negatively impact the environment and the many fish and animals that call Renton home. Trash pollution not only affects the quality of the water, but it can be potentially harmful to fish or other creatures that live in Renton waterways. If ingested, the debris could cause harm to an animal’s digestive system or even affect their ability to feed themselves in the future. Larger pieces of trash could cause harm by entangling fish or mammals within, inadvertently leading to the creature’s death by suffocation or drowning. 

Even if you aren’t able to help out with the Downtown Renton Last Hurrah Cleanup, you can still do your part by not disposing of garbage or debris down your plumbing and by cleaning up and removing any potential litter that could block your storm drains. If you have accidentally disposed of something down the drain that you shouldn’t have or if your storm drains are not running as smoothly as they should, then it may be time to get professional help. 

Trusted Plumbing & Heating is Renton’s #1 trusted plumbing company. When you need reliable and professional plumbing help, call (425) 333-2559. Your drains will thank you!


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