How to Become a Plumber in Seattle

Getting a job in the Seattle plumbing industry can be highly rewarding financially, and provide satisfying work that will always be needed by families across the city and King County. There will always be a need for skilled plumbers in Seattle as well as any other city you may choose to move your family to, so there will always be a plumbing company in need of your services. If you have enough experience and savings, you may even be able to strike out on your own and start a plumbing company of your own, like our owner Jim Cunningham did with Trusted Plumbing & Heating.

Plumber Trainee

You must follow the steps to being certified in the Washington State Plumber Certification Program to be legally licensed for journeyman, residential or specialty plumbing work. Most of the time this requires working as a plumbing trainee. Depending on the type of plumbing work, different minimum amounts of years/hours worked must be completed. For example, journey level plumbers must complete 4 years and 8000 hours of work in plumbing to be certified, and half of that must be spent in commercial or industrial work. We are always hiring for new plumbers, both master plumbers and those who have less experience. However if you haven’t started your plumbing career yet, here is some more information about the typical process. You can also find more info on the Washington state government website about Plumber Certification.

Career After Certification

Unlike the old days of apprenticeship where apprentices made no money up until they were a master of their own, plumber trainees are thankfully not unpaid and should easily make enough to make a great living before they are certified to do work on their own. Notably, once you pass this certification you will be certified for plumbing work both here in Washington, as well as Idaho should you choose to move to that state. Companies like Trusted Plumbing & Heating are always looking for plumbers so rather than scrounging for job opportunities like some industries where positions are scarce, you will be an in-demand worker as long as you are reliable and hard-working.

If you have any questions about becoming a plumber, you can always give us a call and we’d be happy to point you in the right direction!



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