Toxic Algae Blooms and Renton Plumbing Concerns

Toxic Algae Blooms and Renton Plumbing ConcernsAt the beginning of this year, the city of Renton’s annual New Year’s Day Polar Bear Plunge was relocated from the Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park to the Henry Moses Aquatic Center. The reason for this last-minute venue change was due to the presence of potentially toxic algae blooms in Lake Washington. Higher than normal levels of algae were measured in the weeks leading up to the event by public health officials and while Gene Coulon Beach did not show significant levels of algae blooms, Public Health Seattle and King County advised that the situation could quickly change, depending on the weather. 

While not an everyday occurrence, toxic algae blooms should not be taken lightly. The toxins produced by the algae can make people and animals seriously ill and could be potentially fatal for pets. Not only that but depending on where the algae bloom is located, it could also affect the quality of local drinking water systems. Besides the potential health risks posed by drinking water contaminated by toxic algae blooms, it can also cause strain on our Renton plumbing systems as well. 

What are Toxic Algae Blooms?

First, let’s start by explaining what toxic algae blooms are and what causes them. Algae and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) naturally live in bodies of fresh and salt water, but when the water gets too warm, stagnant, or if it’s full of algae-friendly nutrients, it can cause the population of algae to rapidly grow and “bloom”. When some blooms are present, the color of the water drastically changes to red or green. Other times, a bloom will leave a thick foam or scum on the surface of the water. Not all blooms are visible and many are harmless, but there are some that you should be wary of. 

How Does it Affect Water Quality?

When toxic algae blooms or harmful algal blooms (HABs) occur, they typically release cyanotoxins into the water. When low levels of cyanotoxins and algae are present, they are usually removed during the standard water treatment process, but when a bloom occurs, the drastically increased number of cyanobacteria and toxins in the water might be too difficult to remove. HABs can cause your tap or drinking water to taste funny and even produce an earthy or musty odor. There are even potential health risks. The EPA has a recommended 10-Day Health Advisory level for cyanotoxins present in drinking water. Consuming water with higher levels can lead to upset stomachs, vomiting, and possible liver and kidney damage. 

How Does it Affect Your Plumbing?

Water quality directly affects your plumbing system. When there’s a high level of minerals or chemicals present, it can have an adverse reaction with your plumbing and lead to pipe corrosion, material degradation, and even leaks. An increased presence of algae and cyanobacteria would also affect your plumbing. Algae typically do not thrive without sunlight, and plumbing pipes are usually kept out of direct sunlight or underneath the ground. When toxic algae begin to decay, they release harmful gasses that can affect the delicate pH balance of the water within, leading to foul-smelling, brackish, or discolored water. A large amount of algae and cyanobacteria could also cause an increase in bacteria buildup and clogged pipes. If these potential issues weren’t taken care of right away, then you’d have to deal with a damaged plumbing system and pricey repairs. 

Stay Informed –Protect Yourself and Your Plumbing

If you ever see an algae bloom, avoid contact with the water and keep pets and animals away if possible. You can contact your local health department or the Washington State Department of Ecology. They’ll come out and test the water samples and confirm if the bloom is toxic or not. If high levels of cyanotoxins are found, it’s possible that a Drinking Water Advisory would be issued, so be sure to check in with your local water systems for more news. 

To protect your plumbing, it’s always wise to take care of any issues before a plumbing problem arises. Routinely scheduled maintenance can help you identify possible issues before they get out of hand and lead to costly repairs or replacements. Trusted Plumbing & Heating are reliable Renton plumbers. With a heavy focus on quality customer service and a dedication to providing fair and transparent pricing, you’re always in good hands with us!

If your plumbing system is running slow or if it’s been a minute since your last inspection, call us today to schedule an appointment or to get a quote! 


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