Keep Your Plumbing Root Free with These Tree Planting Do’s and Dont’s

If you’ve got a green thumb or if you’re a burgeoning gardener, then Fall is the perfect time to start planning and planting. Hearty root vegetables like beets, turnips, and radishes take only a few months before they’re ready to harvest and they thrive in cooler conditions. This time of year is also the best time to start planting flower bulbs like daffodils and tulips if you particularly like having early spring blossoms in your garden. Fall is also the ideal time to plant new trees since the weather isn’t too cold yet and because early planting will allow the trees to establish roots. 

Renton’s Urban Forestry Division maintains the city’s urban forest and they are currently planning to plant as many as 61 new trees with their newest tree planting project. The project will see at least seven varieties of trees that have each been selected for their resilience and adaptability to ever-changing climates. As read on the Urban Forestry Division’s page, “By introducing these trees into the neighborhood, the city aims to achieve multiple benefits, including increased shade coverage, reduced air pollution, mitigation of stormwater runoff, carbon sequestration, enhanced wildlife habitat, and greater genetic diversity within Renton’s urban forest.”

The city of Renton and the Urban Forestry team are professionals in planting and proper tree placement. If a tree isn’t planted correctly, it can have a serious impact on your sidewalks, driveways, and underground utilities like your Renton plumbing system. Here are some planting do’s and don’ts to consider when planting trees on your property.

DO: Locate where your underground utilities are
Before you start digging, make sure to locate and mark where the sewer, gas, and water lines are in your yard. Many people make the mistake of assuming that their utility lines are buried deeper than they actually are and if you accidentally damage a sewer or water line in the process, you could be facing costly cleanup and repairs for a water or sewage leak. Start by calling your utility provider to get the exact location of your utility lines before breaking ground.

DON’T: Don’t forget to consider root growth when planting
It’s important to remember that tree placement is key. People often forget that trees continue to grow both above and below the ground and if you don’t take the trajectory of the tree root growth into consideration, then you could end up with major plumbing issues down the road. Tree roots are drawn to water, and as they grow, they’re going to seek out the closest source of water. If your new trees are too close to your plumbing pipes, then you run the risk of the roots rupturing the pipes in their quest for water. Eventually, if the roots are not removed, they could begin growing inside or through the pipes, leading to leaks or blocking the flow of water through your plumbing. 

Regardless of when you decide to begin your tree planting journey, these tips will help keep your yard, home, and plumbing system in excellent working condition before and after you break ground. Trusted Plumbing & Heating are trusted and experienced plumbers in Renton. If you have any concerns that your plumbing’s effectiveness may be hindered by nearby trees or roots, then call us today and schedule a plumbing inspection. 


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